Avengers Infinity War Review: We’ll Lose… Then We’ll Do That Together Too
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Avengers: Infinity War
Director: Anthony Russo and Joe Russo
Where to Watch Avengers: Infinity War?
I have mentioned this in these reviews in the past, but all my favourite entries in the MCU are all the team-up films. All four Avengers films rank in my top ten of the MCU and three of them are in my top five. I love the interactions between the characters and the different pairings we get as a result of these team-ups. The stakes are never higher than in an Avengers film and the consequences always affect the solo films that follow. Avengers Infinity War is half of a duo of films that I consider one of, if not, the best one-two punch with both it and Avengers Endgame being two of the biggest films of all time.
Avengers Infinity War is one of the earliest films that I followed from announcement to release. In between the first and second Avengers, I still was pretty young and didn’t use the internet as much. In this case, though, I remember the Comic-Con announcement for parts 1 and 2 of Avengers Infinity War, I remember looking at all the set photos I could find, reading every article I could, and being duped into watching fake trailers that I thought were real. Finally, when the official trailer came out, I was at school and I asked the teacher to go use the bathroom so that I could watch finally watch the trailer.
My anticipation was next level! Anyone who reads our reviews would know that Harry Potter is my favourite franchise but the MCU is a close second. I was only old enough to see the last two Harry Potter films in theatres and while my hype for those was enormous, I had only gotten into the series three years prior. With Avengers Infinity War, I had been a fan of the franchise since 2008. I would record shows like Good Morning America or any program that was going to show a clip of the movie just to get myself even more excited. With all that hype does the film deliver?
The short answer is yes in every single way I was hoping for. Not only, does it have the best action in the franchise with some of the most visually interesting fight scenes in any movie that I have seen. It also allows characters that have existed in different parts of the universe to finally interact and it pays off on a villain that was set up in The Avengers. So for me, the thing I was most excited to see in this film by far was the creative team-ups that the trailer set up.
Thor and the Guardians, Iron Man, Doctor Strange and Spider-Man, and Banner, Rogers, and the rest in Wakanda. I give props to the Russo brothers for finding a good way to balance the 30 characters by having them all be in distinct spots. All of the dynamics we get to see have fantastic moments. Thor plays off of the Guardians quite well in his first scene with them. His character reinvention in Thor Ragnarok allows him to match their comedic tone while still being distinct.
I particularly like the scene between him and Rocket because Rocket is always snarky but sees he needs a different tactic with Thor who is usually pretty honest and shows his emotions easily. Tony and Strange immediately butt heads as they are similar in all the wrong ways but by far their egos won’t allow them to concede to the other. Spider-Man gets to have some fun with them as well seeing as throws himself in on the adventure.
When Quill, Drax, and Mantis meet up with Tony, Strange, and Peter we get some fun moments since Strange and Tony are more strategic but the Guardians go more on feel which causes Tony to make a face that cracks me up every time. The Wakanda part of the film is excellent and has the big epic fight but I like all the interactions we see here as well. Like Bruce and Shuri, or Bruce and Natasha being reunited as he hasn’t been on Earth for three years. Steve and T’Challa clearly respect each other and seeing Sam and Rhodey on the same side is cool.
There are a couple of characters I want to bring up who I feel are very important to this film. Firstly, Thor has an interesting role in the film. He is essentially on a revenge mission but at the same time he is still trying to remain his heroic self. He has basically lost everything and everyone he cares about and he is deeply saddened by this but he tries to hide it through humour.
Like I said I love his scene with Rocket and I think this film has my favourite Thor performance by Chris Hemsworth. Tony Stark is super important in this film because this is all his fears come true. Ever since New York, he has been preparing for something even when people thought he was going too far.
His fear of this exact thing led to Ultron which led to Civil War. He nearly died the last time he was in space and this time he realizes that everything they have fought for leads to this. I love the moment when Thanos recognizes Tony because it shows that what the Avengers did in New York meant something and Stark sent the killing blow. His fear when Peter starts to disappear is heartbreaking.
Gamora is hugely important to this film because it is her knowledge of the soul stone that allows Thanos to achieve his goal. She tries her best to stop him and the scene between her and Quill where she asks him to kill her shows what she is willing to sacrifice. Her death is quite sad and I feel that Zoe Saldana is excellent in this film. Speaking of sacrifice Wanda and Vision need to be mentioned. They finally started a relationship only to have it ruined and taken away by Thanos’ mission. Wanda makes the ultimate sacrifice by killing Vision to try and save the world.
I definitely have to talk about Thanos. Josh Brolin really does an excellent job with this role. He is a giant purple alien and yet you take him seriously the whole time. No one doubts him as a threat and you see just how crazy he is. He has managed to justify his slaughter in the name of saving the universe when could just as easily double the resources instead of killing people.
I love the way in which he uses the stones very creatively, especially in his fight on Titan. He thinks himself so above the rest because his genocide is random and that somehow makes it justified. He is a villain that you love to hate. A villain that is so evil he kills his “favourite” daughter to accomplish his mission. I think he is an excellent villain and he poses a legitimate threat to the Avengers and everything they stand for.
The action in this film is insane. From the very start, we have a fight scene in New York that is so much fun and it doesn’t let you know how dark this film will get. Seeing the wizards fight alongside Spidey and Iron Man is awesome. We then have Iron Man and Spider-Man rescue Dr. Strange and Steve, Nat, and Sam rescue Wanda and Vision. Those two fight scenes are smaller yet they are quite fun and just keep you at the edge of your seat. Plus Steve’s entrance is one of my favourite MCU moments.
The fight between the Avengers and the Guardians is fun because the matchups lead to some good jokes like “Why is Gamora”. Finally, we have our final battle on two fronts. On Titan, we have the Avengers/Guardians against Thanos and we get some cool teamwork moments but also some great one-on-one moments like Strange against Thanos or Iron Man versus Thanos.
In Wakanda, we have the rest of our heroes fighting Thanos’ children and the army of outriders. We get some great moments there as well like at the beginning when Steve and T’Challa outrun everyone or seeing Bruce use the Hulkbuster. The best moment comes when Thor arrives with Rocket and Groot because it is that moment that I couldn’t get out of my head and therefore saw the film four times total in theatres.
To end off I will discuss the cliffhanger. Well I mean I guess you could end it here but that would suck. Anyway, the shock of the ending was perfect and when Bucky disappears the audience begins to realize what is happening. The heartbreak sets in upon seeing our favourite characters disappear.
The two that hit me the hardest are Groot and Peter Parker. Groot because he too is just a kid and Rocket, his adoptive dad, has to see him die. Same thing with Tony and Peter only it is worse because due to the Spidey Sense Peter knew it was coming and felt it for longer. The villain won. Not many blockbusters chose that as the end of their film. Thanos gets to rest on his “grateful” universe.
I know people don’t like to throw around the term perfect movie. I know they especially don’t when it comes to comic book films. In my opinion, this film is as damn near perfect as can be. It has some of the best action I have seen, great performances and it delivered on its hype! I am never upset to put this one on. It gets better with every watch. There’s a reason that my top three MCU films are Avengers films, and this one might not be number one but it and the first Avengers fight for number 2 in my head! Check it out!