Glass Onion Review: Better Than Knives Out
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Glass Onion
Director: Rian Johnson
Where to Watch Glass Onion?
Glass Onion is a well-paced and engaging mystery. With a good mix of both tension and comedy, this film utilizes its star-studded cast quite effectively. Daniel Craig’s Benoit Blanc proves to be an interesting protagonist to follow and overall I really enjoyed this film. Definitely recommend.
The Knives Out universe is certainly filled with potential and Glass Onion proves that. With a good mix of comedy and mystery, I feel this film sets a path forward for this to become a franchise and a staple in the mystery genre.
What is Glass Onion About?
Glass Onion is a film that takes place in the Knives Out universe with the same leading character of Benoit Blanc, the detective. In this film, we see a group of 5 friends who all live very high-class lifestyles receive an invitation from their friend Miles, co-founder of a famous tech company, who invites his friends to his private island for an elaborate murder mystery party.
Although having no prior meeting, Benoit Blanc is invited to the island for the weekend party, and he is unsure why. Once everyone arrives we come to find that Benoit was not intended to be invited. Was it a harmless mistake, or is a more mysterious plot to be revealed?
Is Glass Onion Worth Watching
Glass Onion: a Knives Out mystery is definitely worth watching for many reasons. Firstly, if you are a fan of the original Knives Out, and especially if you enjoyed the character of Benoit Blanc, this film certainly expands on what a murder mystery universe can be. If you like Agatha Christie, but you want a lighter tone and some more comedy, this is a great place to be.
The comedy and interesting characters presented in this film are enough reasons to give it a shot along with a great performance by Daniel Craig. If you are someone who likes mystery movies and whodunit stories this certainly checks all those boxes. This is a really fun movie, and I found myself laughing throughout as it does lean into the comedy even more than the first film.

Glass Onion Review
Going into the movie I was quite excited about seeing how the mystery would unfold this time around, and particularly how the characters would interact with each other. I was curious what the dynamic between our characters would be as in the last film they were family. Here we see they are friends who have known each other for quite a while at this point, and they all come together for these yearly get-togethers hosted by Miles.
I liked the interactions between all the friends and all the characters felt distinct yet you could feel the history between them. My favourite of all the supporting cast was Dave Bautista because I think he continues to prove he is a good actor who can take on different types of characters. While this is a fun character, it is a different type of humour than Drax yet he still pulls it off.
The rest of the supporting cast does a wonderful job as well creating distinct characters so that you aren’t confused with the large cast and their motivations. However, my favourite character was easily Benoit Blanc, and props to Daniel Craig as he pulls off an excellent performance making me believe he is a great detective yet he can still be quite humorous and normal throughout the film. Anytime he is on screen I thought he was captivating and stole the show at every turn

To talk about the story I thought that the plot was well executed and easy to follow. The twist midway through was unexpected. I wasn’t expecting the reveal that Andi had been murdered prior to the weekend getaway, and we were seeing her sister Helen in her place.
The whole elaborate double back was interesting and seeing some of the events from a different perspective added more depth to the scenes. I thought the story had a pretty good resolution as well with the friends finally standing up to Miles instead of being sellouts for his money. The over-the-top destruction of all the priceless artifacts was a fun scene as well.
My only real negative with this film is that the reveal that Miles was the murderer was so obvious. I thought he was too guilty to be the actual “bad guy” and believed he was a red herring the whole time.
When it was revealed that it was him and only him who was the one responsible for both murders I was shocked but not because of the reveal but because it had been apparent from the beginning. However, while I guessed this element quite early on the rest of the film was so enjoyable that I was able to look past it and find a movie that I liked.
So while some elements may fall a little flat and I think the first is still a better mystery, Glass Onion was a fun comedy/mystery that I enjoyed with an amazing character in Benoit Blanc and I look forward to the next mystery.