Star Wars Episode II: The Attack of The Clones
What happens in The Attack of The Clones?
After an attempt on Senator Padme Amidala’s life she is assigned two Jedi guards by Chancellor Palpatine. Master Obi-Wan Kenobi and Padawan Anakin Skywalker are assigned to protect the former Queen due to their previous relationship with her. One night another attempt is made on Padme’s life which leads to a separation of the group. Obi-Wan tracks her attempted assassin and discovers the planet of Kamino where he learns of a cone army being created for the Jedi. Anakin and Padme travel to Naboo where a forbidden romance begins to form.
Who are the characters in The Attack of The Clones?
Ten years after the events of Episode 1, the characters return for another adventure. Keeping his promise to Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan is a Jedi Master teaching his apprentice, Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan is now a patient and wise man. On the other hand, Anakin is rash and arrogant. Still a padawan, he does not have control over his emotions as his Master would have liked. Finally, Padmé returns as well, but as a Senator. She is clever and hardworking, being dedicated to her position.
The Attack of The Clones Review
Star Wars Episode II: The Attack of the Clones takes the slower pacing of Episode I and goes in the wrong direction with it. We get a much slower pace in this movie, and it takes a lot away from an otherwise decent movie. I would argue this is the worst Star Wars in the first six movies.
The plot of this movie is a little bit bizarre, due purely to the pacing. The pacing isn’t terrible but in terms of Star Wars, it is super slow. We get a relatively fast-moving opening, with some emotional scenes and some high-tempo scenes. Then it slows to a crawl. An absolute crawl. And then the end picks right back up and sends the movie off with some really great scenes. They are action back, they close the book on this movie yet leave it open for the third movie. We do get a lot of character and plot development that turns out to be important later on, but while watching this movie it feels slow. I would have loved to see this as an hour and a half movie, or a little bit more spice in the middle.
We get relatively the same characters as the first movie, but they have changed a ton. Anakin is now grown, and his lesser traits have started to show themselves. Obi-Wan has grown into a great Jedi Master, and Padmé has relinquished her role as queen to become a senator. These character changes are pretty substantial, and with the 10-year time-lapse, most of this development occurs off-camera. I did appreciate the way the writers explain these developments throughout the movie, some in passing and some in more detail because it all made sense. There are no character holes, which jumping 10 years can do that, and there are very few question marks about our main protagonists. Anakin continues to grow throughout this movie, leaps, and bounds, with a drastically changing personality and outlook. His development, and the way you can watch his character deteriorate, is one of the better parts of this movie.
The Attack of the Clones is still a decent movie, regardless of how it compares to the rest of the Star Wars Universe. We get some really entertaining scenes right from the beginning, and the ending is awesome as well. The middle is pretty slow, but the events end up being important later in the series. Disney + is your home for all things Star Wars, so go check this one out.