Doctor Strange

Doctor Strange Review: Dormammu I’ve come to bargain

As a massive Harry Potter fan I was predisposed to liking Doctor Strange but I got to say I enjoyed it more than I expected. While the villain may be on the weaker side and the plot might be similar to other MCU origin films it still has a lot to offer with some creative fights, a unique visual style, and a great performance by the leading man! Definitely give this one another go if you haven’t in a while and let the magic take you to another dimension.

Captain America Civil War

Captain America Civil War Review: The Safest Hands Are Still Our Own

So overall, Captain America Civil War is a fantastic entry in the MCU. It asks many intriguing questions about our heroes, has some of the most emotional scenes in the franchise, has some of the coolest action in the series, and introduces some awesome new characters.  This movie manages to balance feeling like a grounded political thriller similar to the last Captain America while balancing the bigger team-up story elements. So give it a watch and let us know who’s side your own!

Avengers Age of Ultron

Avengers Age of Ultron Review: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes

So overall, is it as good as the first Avengers movie, no it is not. However, Avengers Age of Ultron still has all the elements that make a team-up movie special and give our characters more chances to interact. I think it does a great job setting up future films while still having some good laughs and some great team-up action moments. Definitely give this one another chance if you haven’t in a while!

Guardians of the Galaxy

You said it yourself… we’re the: Guardians of the Galaxy Review

All in all, Guardians of the Galaxy is a near-perfect film with a great cast,  great comedic moments, stellar action, and a killer soundtrack.  I never get bored of this one and am always eager to revisit it and do it about once a year.  You can watch this one as a standalone or as a part of the MCU puzzle. You’ll be hooked on a feeling after watching this one.

Captain America The Winter Soldier Review: The Price of Freedom is High

Captain America The Winter Soldier Review: The Price of Freedom is High

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is incredible. This is certainly one of the MCU films that I revisit often and turn on any day and enjoy. It works as a standalone spy film, a sequel to the first Captain America, and a piece in the larger puzzle of the MCU. It does some great setup for things to come and transformed the MCU in ways that are still emulated today. It has great acting and great action. Definitely give this one a rewatch!