Thor Ragnarok Review: He’s a Friend from Work
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Thor Ragnarok
Director: Taika Waititi
Where to Watch Thor: Ragnarok?
This next film we are going to discuss is easily one of the most beloved in Phase 3 and the MCU in general. Let’s just say that the first two Thor films are not in most people’s MCU top 10. While I quite like Thor and even enjoy parts of Thor the Dark World, I would agree there are many films in the MCU that I prefer.
Thor Ragnarok very much changed that! From the earliest marketing, the film established that it was distinct from the other two Thor films. A brighter and more colourful aesthetic replaced the Shakespearean presentation that was used before. The film promised a more comedic tone as well capitalizing on Chris Hemsworth’s comedic sensibilities. I remember seeing the trailer and the Hulk reveal sealed to me that this was going to be a fun ride!
Thor Ragnarok really sets itself up as different right from the beginning. The opening has Thor captured and he is recounting his previous adventures to a skeleton. Immediately this sets the tone for the film and informs the audience that this movie isn’t taking itself too seriously so the audience can also relax and laugh. We then have Thor talking with Surtur and in this intro alone Thor makes more jokes than he had in the previous four films he had appeared in.
Up to this point, his most popular quote was probably “He’s adopted” from The Avengers or “ Another!” from Thor. This was one of the key reasons that this film worked, the reinvention of Thor’s character. Thor had been this very serious character for the most part in his previous adventures. In his two solo adventures, he had been the straight man/ foil to characters like Darcy or the Warriors Three. In the Avengers movies, you had Tony Stark who definitely was the comedic eccentric character and you could also say Hulk.
Chris Hemsworth had said at the time that he needed a change if he was going to keep playing the character. Taika Waititi came in having done some independent films to this point that all had comedic tones and weird premises. His directing style is great in this movie with some really cool shots like when Loki and Valkyrie walk into the Grandmaster’s chambers and the camera flips. The action in the film is also very well directed with both the Hulk fight and the final battle being really engaging to watch.
Seeing Thor fully unleashed with the lightning is so awesome and when he is flipping around using the two swords and the lightning it is so cool. That moment where the Immigrant Song by Led Zeppelin kicks in is one of my favourites Taika also voices Korg who is a great addition to the Thor films.
Chris Hemsworth really does shine in this film. This is my second favourite Thor performance only behind a film that is a couple of reviews away. All his facial expressions some of which have since become memes are all quite funny and just add to all the scenes he is in. It feels like all the reactions are quite natural and I derive much joy from them.
Like I said he is funny from the very beginning, after his encounter with Surtur we see him return to Asgard to see a play about Loki being performed. His reaction to the melodramatic recounting of Loki’s death with a choir singing and the audience reacting so earnestly is hilarious because he just looks confused.
Honestly, one of my biggest laughs the first time I saw the movie was Loki and Thor on Earth outside the old folks home. When Loki gets turned into what is essentially a business card for Dr. Strange and Thor pokes the card like it is Loki’s fault I remember just bursting out in laughter. Maybe that gives you insight into my sense of humour but I laugh at that part every time. There are more laughs with Dr. Strange and I especially like the way he keeps teleporting Thor around and then of course the falling for 30 minutes joke.
All the Thor and Loki scenes are great because we know these two so well after four films together. When Loki says “ I have never met this man in my life” we get a laugh because we know that is a good joke in regards to their relationship. This movie also has heartfelt moments. The scene in the elevator between Thor and Loki where we see how close they used to be and the fallout of mostly Loki’s actions is all really compelling and sad.
You can tell they still care about each other but have just grown apart. I also love Odin’s death scene because it is definitely his best father moment in the series. He is honest with his sons and it is a well-done goodbye to the character.
My other favourite dynamic in this film is Thor and Hulk. From the Contest of Champions fight in the arena we get some iconic lines like “He’s a friend from work” or when Thor tries to calm down the Hulk with the lullaby method used by Black Widow which leads to a hilarious result and reaction from Loki. Thor telling Hulk that he is embarrassing him always cracks me up. After their fight, we get to hear Hulk speak more words than ever. I guess being in Hulk form for two years allowed for Hulk to grow a bit.
My favourite scene between these two is their argument in Hulk’s bedroom. Where they are just insulting each other back and forth like a couple of toddlers, it is just so funny. Even as Banner though we see some great moments, especially when Thor and Bruce are trying to escape Sakaar and Bruce is being really odd and we see them bicker. Just seeing Dr. Bruce Banner tugging at his pants makes me laugh especially with Thor commenting on it.
In terms of new characters, Valkyrie is a good addition. She gets some funny moments, some cool moments and she gives us another Asgardian to the cast. Finally, Hela is a great villain. She is everything that Thor would’ve become if he kept his ego and developed a bit more of a blood lust. She is formidable and has some really cool fight scenes.
All in all, this is one of my favourite MCU films for sure, and definitely my favourite Thor movie. It has a great sense of humour, some spectacular action, heart and at the center a really great performance by Chris Hemsworth. I’m sure you have seen this one but definitely go give it another watch!