Break Review: I Don’t Dance
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Director: Marc Fouchard
Where to Watch Break?
Break was an amazing movie to watch.
What Happens in Break?
Lucie is an aerial dancer who is quite good. One day she falls from a building and ends up in a coma. After waking from her coma, she decides that she still wants to train for a competitive dance troupe with her partner, but she wants to try something different and dance on the ground.
While she is staying at a hotel, she meets a man named Vincent who she discovers used to be a good dancer but no longer dances. As she tries to learn how to dance on the ground, she develops a relationship with Vincent and through a series of events she finds answers to questions she never thought she would find the answers to.
Who Are The Characters in Break?
This movie features two major characters: Lucie and Vincent. After being stuck in a coma after her injury, Lucie is still determined to get back to dancing. Although she suffers a bit of PTSD from her fall, she is still determined to keep learning new styles. While she learns, she is passionate and determined to master her new craft.
Vincent, on the other hand, is an ex-convict and ex-dancer after a dancing accident. Vincent is a tormented soul who is stuck in the past and tries to shoulder more responsibility than he is able. Through meeting Lucie, he begins his road to recovery.

Break Review
Break was such a wonderful movie to watch and enjoy. Originally released in France in 2018, Netflix just recently dropped this movie this year. Overall, I really enjoyed this movie. It was beautiful, captivating, and just a pleasure to watch.
Just a quick note that the native language of this movie is French. With my background in French, I was able to enjoy this movie in its native tongue. I cannot say how accurate it is in the dub, but in French, the dialogue sounded great and had a nice flow.
Now, before I delve deeper into the positives of this movie, I’m just going to quickly get the negatives out of the way. Being an hour and a half long, there were some aspects of the story and of the characters that I wished were more developed.
I wish they went into the relationship between Lucie and her father a bit more, just so we can understand their bond just a bit more. I also wish we got to see a bit more of Lucie’s development of her dance as well as her relationship with Vincent. With the way it was shot, it just seemed like everything happened a bit too fast and you couldn’t grasp how much time had passed.
Anyways, with that out of the way, let’s get into the positives. Now the first thing that catches your eye right from the start of the movie is the flawless choreography of the dances. Each move was so precise and elegant, and it made my jaw drop. I’m not the best judge of dancing, but every scene that showed the actors and their moves really demonstrated their talent and passion for their craft.

Even with scenes that had characters practicing, each motion had a meaning behind it, and they all left an impact. Another great thing about the dance was that it was the gauge to see the development of Lucie. In the beginning, she was trying hard to learn and stand up again after her accident, and by the end of the movie, her confidence in all her moves was refreshing and fulfilling after all she had to endure throughout the movie.
Another great thing was the setting and the atmosphere. This movie takes place in a more run-down area. It isn’t your typical happy and lush setting. It was gritty and hard, which added to the characters and everything they stood for. It’s nothing like Cherry or The Devil All The Time, but it does add some depth to the movie. It makes you sympathize with some of their actions and with this type of setting, it brings out the struggles of the characters.
The final great thing about this movie is the message they portray. This story is about standing up and righting your wrongs, having courage in the face of adversity, and taking risks for your own happiness. Each character was able to portray these themes through their struggles, and it was awe-inspiring to see them persevere.
Overall, Break was an amazing movie to watch. Even if French isn’t a language you can understand, it is still worth it to watch for the choreography and the dances.
Great review – this is going on my Netflix list…