Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Episode 8 Review
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Percy Jackson and The Olympians
Episode 8
Where to Watch Percy Jackson and The Olympians
Percy Jackson and the Olympians episode eight is the big finale of the first season. Most of the questions that were brought up in episode 7 are answered and we even get a little set up for season 2. This was the episode I was most anticipating this season because I wanted to see how they would handle the big moments that come at the end of the story.
To start with my favourite part of the episode, we get the fight with Ares. I have been waiting to see this fight adapted since I first read the book at age eight. I have to say that the fight lived up to my expectations in almost every way although I do wish it was a bit longer. The idea of a 12-year-old taking on the god of war was also just so cool to me and showed two things; one it showed how brave Percy is and two how Percy doesn’t care about the wrath of the gods if you disrespect him or his friends he will let you know.

The height and power difference favoured Ares but I love that Percy did hold his own in the swordfight for a little bit before Ares caught his bearings. Of course, the gods are very arrogant so Ares plays with his food and kicks Percy around a bit because he believes Percy is beneath him. I love this part because it shows just how much superior the gods see themselves and due to this fact, he allows Percy to regain strength. This fight being near the water was a huge disadvantage for Ares and once Percy gathers strength he shows Ares just who he is.
Moving on from the Ares fight we have Percy giving the helm of darkness to Alecto and asking her to ask Hades to let his mom go. I like the moment that follows this where Annabeth and Grover try to convince Percy to not go to Olympus because it is a death sentence and Percy still going because it is bigger than him.
If Kronos is coming back then someone needs to warn the gods and Percy takes that responsibility. I like that they kept the moment where Annabeth gives Percy her necklace for good luck though I do wish Grover had given Percy one of the chewed-up cans like in the books. Percy slapping down the lightning bolt was pretty cool as well.

I thought that the design of Olympus had a sense of grandeur and reminded me of Asgard in the MCU. Lance Reddick did an excellent job as Zeus down to him wearing a suit just like the books. His presence as the character was felt throughout the scene with him seeming unbothered by Percy because he felt he was so superior but then Percy got under his skin and actually made him angry. Lance played the transition perfectly from his calm demeanour when Percy first arrives to his insecurity being revealed as he goes to kill Percy.
I don’t feel I praised Toby Stephens enough as Poseidon because he does give the vibe of an old but powerful being and I believe that he is the god of the sea. I love that they kept the line about how Percy isn’t obedient and tends to stand up to authority. I did quite enjoy the father-son chat.
After Percy gets sent back to camp we get the reveal of who betrayed Percy. Now I know all book readers knew it was Luke but I must say I actually prefer the way the TV show did it. In the book, Luke is revealed and then he leaves Percy to die after being stung by a scorpion. In the show, the fight between Percy and Luke parallels the training scene that opened the episode. It shows how much Percy has grown as a fighter since he left camp but it also shows that Luke did not know Percy as he thought he did.
I think it was a good idea to have Luke try to recruit Percy rather than kill him since Percy is powerful. Annabeth seeing the whole thing changes things for the future and I am curious how that change will play out. I love that we got one more Mr. D not knowing Percy’s name joke. Percy not being scared of Kronos in his dream is a good way to show his growth as well. Stay tuned for the post-credit scene as we see Gabe get his comeuppance with the head of Medusa which was great.
Overall, this was a great episode and a great way to wrap up the season! This season was awesome and I thought it did a great job bringing to life a more accurate version of the Percy Jackson universe. It did make changes along the way and I think at worst they were fine and at best they enhanced the story/ set things up better for later. Thank you guys for coming along on this journey with me for the past eight weeks and I will see you when season 2 comes out!