Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Episode 6 Review
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Percy Jackson and The Olympians
Episode 6
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Following Episode 5, we jump into Episode 6. Percy Jackson and the Olympians episode 6 was once again shorter than I would have liked but it also had some other elements I didn’t necessarily love. To start with my problems with this episode, it was once again one of the 30-minute episodes and I wanted something a bit longer. I do have a couple of story-based problems as well with how they adapted some of the scenes in this episode.
To get into my few negatives with this week’s episode are mostly a couple of changes from the novel. While I don’t necessarily love the changes made here, I reserve judgment to see what happens in the last couple of episodes before I decide whether or not these changes negatively impact my thoughts on the show overall. If you are unaware this week’s episode covers the Lotus Casino section of the book which is not as long a section in the book as fans remember.
In the book, it is mostly used to add more urgency because they become closer to the deadline. Now the movie version of this scene is one of the more popular scenes in those films and though I know many people hold that scene fondly in their hearts, I never expected them to copy that either. Rick hates those movies and never would include elements of them.
My problem with the casino scene is two-fold. The first element was that the trio figured out the trap right away. Now I know complaints have been made saying the characters are too smart, but I disagree with this take. Grover is a satyr which is enough explanation, Annabeth has been at Camp Half-Blood training since she was seven, and they explained that Sally has been teaching Percy Greek mythology since he was young so it is a none issue for me.
I thought it made perfect sense that the trio figured out about Medusa since that was pretty obvious. However, I would have liked to see the kids get sucked in by the casino just for a little bit if only to see some of the cool stuff they described in the book. I am willing to concede that if the last two episodes have amazingly expensive visual effects then I am ok toning down the casino. My other issue was that they had passed the day of the solstice. As in, if the solstice passed shouldn’t the quest be over and the gods at war? However, I do like how it allows Percy to choose to finish the quest.
To get to the stuff I liked. Hermes was a welcome inclusion and I enjoyed how his character was portrayed. Lin-Manuel Miranda gave off this sense of an all-knowing god yet I also completely believed his sadness regarding his relationship with Luke. I enjoyed his back and forth with Percy and Annabeth, and that will add a new dynamic to next season. I enjoyed how we see Iris’s messaging at the beginning of the episode and the casual way the kids played off their adventures so far.
I also like how they are expanding on Grover’s search for Pan and that is how he becomes lost in the casino. I believe I heard a Nico and Bianca reference which would be a great easter egg for future things. I also love how Percy and Annabeth being together kept their memories intact as it shows how far their relationship has come. Percy driving was pretty funny and it also was the tensest scene in the episode. Giving Percy four pearls instead of three was a good change by Rick that makes more sense.
Overall, this wasn’t my favourite episode of the season. I question some of the decisions made but I reserve my judgment until I know how things play out. Even with those issues I am still thoroughly enjoying this show. This feels like Percy Jackson in essence and as we reach the final two episodes I become only more excited as we get the big reveals!