Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Episode 7 Review
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Percy Jackson and The Olympians
Episode 7
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Percy Jackson and the Olympians episode 7 is the penultimate episode of season one of Percy Jackson, and it is the episode where we finally go to the underworld. I must say that this and the finale were probably my two most anticipated episodes of the season. The only disappointment in this episode was that the Ares fight wasn’t in it. However, I think it being the beginning of the finale will be exciting.
To get into the episode I will talk about the one thing I wasn’t a huge fan of, and it relates to something I mentioned in the review of the sixth episode. When Percy walks into Crusty’s water bed palace, he immediately knows that it is Procrustes and he doesn’t fall for Crusty’s trap. Now I am all for the kids not falling for every trap as it is Greek mythology and all three members of our trio are familiar with the legends.
However, they are also kids so I don’t think it would hurt if they also fell for one of these tricks because they are tired on their quest. I do think this example is not as bad as the Lotus Casino because, in this version of the story, Crusty’s is the entrance to the underworld that they use. They had the plan to trap Crusty which means they must have been informed or had figured it out before entering.
With my negative out of the way, I want to talk about what I liked about this episode. The extra pearl is dealt with quite quickly as Grover loses it after being caught by the mouth of Cerberus, which still means Percy can’t save his mom. I enjoyed that it allowed Percy to show his loyalty to his friends as he was not willing to let one of them stay and was going to make them return with his mom.

To talk about the underworld, I thought it had a really cool design in general. Hades’s upside-down palace was awesome, and so was the line of souls waiting to enter and the pit of Tartarus. We got to see the Fields of Asphodel, which in this version is more of a forest but I did enjoy how they added the concept that the souls there are tied to the fields by a regret which could foreshadow a character from Heroes of Olympus.
I am curious as to what Annabeth’s regret was and how they will explore that in further seasons. We finally got the Tartarus scene adapted and it was just cool seeing the catalyst to the overarching story of the entire series get its adaptation. I really liked how sleek the palace of Hades was and I thought that the actor did a good job portraying him.
Hades is not the devil or a villain, he is often thought of as such because he is the god of the underworld but he is more just a guy who is sick of his family. I thought that Jay Duplass did that quite well and gave Hades a distinct personality. Percy putting the pieces together about Kronos was great because it shows how smart he was, being able to interpret his dreams once he finds out Hades is not the culprit.

Now to touch on the flashbacks that we got to see about a young Percy and Sally. I think they gave us more of a look into how this life has affected Sally. Due to her son being a demigod she constantly has to uproot his life to keep him safe and due to his age, he has no idea why this is happening.
Sally has to try and get him into numerous different schools and keep him away from monsters. Meanwhile, Percy believes his mom is trying to send him away. This obviously takes a toll on Sally but she powers through showing the support and strength of a great mom. I also really loved her talk with Poseidon as it was nice to see how these two characters did have a connection and also shows Poseidon in a better light as he takes the time to talk with Sally.
All in all, this was one of the best episodes of the season. Many important reveals happened here as well as some of the coolest visual effects we have seen on the show. This episode really did a good job preparing us for the big finale. I think as a penultimate episode this does wonders in building tension and making us excited for the last episode!