The Devil All The Time Review: Some People Were Born Just So They Can Be Buried
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The Devil All The Time
Director: Antonio Campos
Where to Watch The Devil All The Time?
The Devel All The Time is a very intense movie, but it tackles the raw, brutal 50s. It’s beautiful, engaging, and brutal.
Who Are The Characters in The Devil All The Time?
Arvin is a young man who has had terrible tragedies surround his childhood. From his mother dying of cancer, his dad killing his dog as a sacrifice to God, and then his father committing suicide, he has had it rough. He grows up to be a very hardened young man who is very defensive of the orphan girl his grandma raised who he considers to be like a sister and he is also prone to violence.
Reverend Preston Teagarden is a young preacher who has moved to the class of Knockemstiff ( where the film takes place) and while he preaches against sin he himself has a dark secret that he is a pedophile. Sandy and Carl Henderson are a married couple who are also serial killers as Sandy seduces young men and then Carl kills them. Sheriff Lee is a cop who has become corrupt due to wanting to keep his position.

The Devil All The Time Review
WHY?! I guess I should start with the good before I get to the ugly. First off, this film is well shot with interesting camera angles, and great use of lighting, and is well put together from a technical standpoint. Another great aspect is the story as it is well written, well-paced, and it all perfectly connects by the end in a way that not every movie can manage.
You feel like every scene matters, and it flows quite nicely. The acting is quite good in my opinion with the stand out being Tom Holland as Arvin, showing a dramatic side to his repertoire. I thought everything from his accent to his mannerisms were interesting. Robert Pattinson as Reverend Preston was also a good casting choice in my opinion, as he captures the twisted aspects of the character and shows how he can be manipulative. On a technical side I think this movie is well put together and is captivating.
This movie left me speechless and not in a good way. I have watched many a film that has demonstrated the horror and awfulness of humanity and human beings, such as The Little Things, but I have never seen a film that makes me question if people are even decent. This movie is like having somebody punch you, then hit you on the head with a bat, then hit you with an axe, and then someone drops a building on you.

This movie takes you to a dark place, showing things I never wanted to see. To me, this film crossed a line where it is too disturbing and I can’t look past the horrific events that are shown in the movie. This movie shows you the worst of humanity and then makes that worse. As an audience, you witness people murder in the name of god, for pleasure, and for personal gain.
It is depicted in a way that is so visceral, so grotesque, and real that it’s disturbing but you can’t take your eyes away. I do not comprehend why this movie just keeps pounding you with its imagery. I wish I could forget I had seen it. Was it enjoyable? No. Was it entertaining? Not how I would describe it. Do I recommend it? No.
Other than a few aspects, I wish I could forget this movie entirely. I do not recommend it to anyone who does not want to feel despair, especially not to anyone under 18 but I would even say 25. If you are still determined to check it out, I would advise you to watch something happy right after, something in the ballpark of Shrek, to bring some joy back into your living room.