Secret Invasion Episode 4 Review: And You’re a Skrull, and You’re a Skrull
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Secret Invasion
Episode 4
Where to Watch Secret Invasion?
With the fourth episode of Secret Invasion out, we have passed the halfway point completely. With only 2 episodes left, I’m both excited and a bit worried to see what happens. Of the four episodes out there, I have to say that this episode and the first episode are the best in the season so far. With great plot developments, twists, and reveals, I haven’t been quite hooked on an episode since the first.
Now, as usual, I will be going over some plot details and reveals, so spoiler warning for sure. Also, as I mentioned before, if you haven’t caught up on the episodes, check those out first. So, with all these preliminary things out of the way, let’s get into things.
So, the first thing I want to mention is a follow up from the last episode. At the end of episode three, we see G’iah get shot. I don’t remember explicitly mentioning my thoughts in the last review, but talking with the other members at Prairie Grown Reviews, I had a sinking suspicion that G’iah still lived.
My reasoning was that since it was so early, relatively, in the season, they wouldn’t kill her off that early. And my suspicions were proven correct. By giving herself superhuman abilities, this opens up a whole new can of worms. I never realized how strong the Skrulls would be with that kind of power, but through G’iah and later Gravik, they become extremely powerful. I’m excited to see what happens in the last two episodes to develop this idea.
Speaking of predictions, the guys and I have been floating around the idea that Rhodey in Secret Invasion is nothing but a Skrull. During this episode as well, we get to see our predictions correct again. I really liked how Rhodey’s reveal was handled. Watching Fury interact with the skrull and playing mental chess with him was one of the best psychological battles I’ve watched in a while.
Now, I don’t know if it’s because of Skrull knowledge, but the fact the imposter drank so much of the alcohol Fury brought and got called out by the president was an interesting touch. Clearly, the fake had his slip up moment, which I liked since we haven’t seen any of the Skrulls make any big mistakes in a while.
Speaking of character interactions, Fury’s interactions with Priscilla was also a great scene. From the last episode, we knew that Priscilla was hiding something, which also got revealed in this episode. Although the two weren’t able to sort their differences, I enjoyed their whole discussion and how the flashback added a bittersweet moment to the whole thing. Honestly, another great example of good character writing.
The final thing I want to discuss in this review has to be the ending. When Talos gets stabbed by Gravik, I’m also certain that Talos is dead. Whereas the last episode, G’aih was able to upgrade herself, Talos never had this kind of opportunity. Now, if he somehow survives, I won’t be angry, but I think his death here is a pivotal moment for the story.
With his death, G’iah now has more reason to stand against Gravik than she ever has. This also gives Fury the opportunity to work with G’iah. I am a bit disappointed that Talos had to die, but at the same time, it works for the plot.
On that note, episode four was a great experience. If you somehow read this whole review without watching the episode, you should definitely go watch. If you’re curious about some other reviews we have, I already linked the other episode reviews above.